A rough sketch of the lovely Black Cat, done in warm and cold grey Copic markers. Half of my markers were on their way out during the sketch, so what could be a better way then sending them off with a drawing of Ms. Hardy?
Well, it's that time again....New Year's Resolution time! Each year, I make a list of characters that i hope to draw in the new year. I really slacked off the previous year, only completing a couple from the list. LOL Unfortunately, this year wasn't too much different.
1. Atom Eve (from Invincible) 2. Elastic-Girl (from The Incredibles) 3. Brandy or Jen (from Liberty Meadows) 4. Molly or Sister Grimm (from Runaways) 5. Bayonetta (that one is going to be tooooooooough!) 6. Felicia (from Darkstalkers) 7. Storm (Classic Design) 8 Loki (in female form, just because I haven't done a full body version yet) 9. The Baroness 10. Dejah Thoris
Out of all of them i only did 7 and 9..in sketchcard/sketch form no less. To my defense though, it has been an pretty hectic year, with me moving and all. Plus, the commissions have been really good this year (Thank you, John!) and I met the most amazing woman in the world in my dear Tracey. Even still, next year, i plan on actually doing more characters off of my resolution list. Enough with the formalities though...here is the 2011 list:
1. Terra (from Power Girl/ Terrra mini-series) 2. Ms. Marvel 3. Zatanna 4. Brandy or Jen (from Liberty Meadows) 5. The Enchantress (full body drawing) 6. Black Cat (full body drawing) 7. Emma Frost 8. Miss Martian 9. Phantom Lady 10. Abbey Chase or Sydney Savage (from Danger Girl)
Hopefully, i can knock out some of these in the near future as well as do an abundance of pin up drawings, as i have been slacking in that category too. Also, if any of you out there in internet land have some request/suggestions as to who to draw, i'm all for hearing them! :-)
I would like to give thanks to those of you out there that actually take a look at this blog. Yeah, i admit that its not most entertaining thing out there and its pretty plain and generic, but i really do appreciate each and every visit that you guys and gals make to this page. Coming from an average guy who just likes to draw, it truly means a lot to me that there are a few people out there that take a genuine interest in my work. Thanks so much and here's to everyone having a stellar year next year!
The magnificent Jean Grey as Phoenix, from Marvel's X-Men comics.
Recently, i've been trying to alter my coloring style a little bit, just to experiment with a painted look for some parts. I've been referencing and studying the works of the great Serge Birault. It's unbelievable that he does this in Photoshop. Check out his spectacular work here:
I had been seeing all of these different challenges on Deviant for quite some time about interpreting a character in the form of the opposite sex, so i thought i would take a crack at it.
Here's my female interpretation of the Great Gazoo from The Flintstones.